Re-scaling of tracings and images

Dear all,

in neurolucida 360, how can I re-scale an image in X, Y and most importantly Z after I scaled it wrongly the first time. I have some wrongly scaled tracings that I would like to rescale with the right voxel size.

many thanks

The best way to rescale an image and it’s associated tracing is to use the “Adjust XY Scaling” feature under the Tools menu. This will open a dialog box that allows you to enter a scaling factor (Note that this is a factor and not a value in µm/voxel), be sure to also check “Also Adjust Images” to adjust the scaling of your images as well. There is a separate tool to adjust scaling in Z called “Correct Z Shrinkage” found under the Tools menu as well. Here is the equation you can use to find your scaling factor:

Correct scaling = Incorrect scaling * Scaling factor

So therefore;

Scaling factor = Correct scaling / Incorrect scaling

Help links to both of these features can be found below:

One quick comment to add here: The original scaling used for the image can be found under the scaling information in the Image Organizer’s More Info tab.

When calculate the scaling correction factor, make sure you use the optical distance as the correct scaling, not physical distance. Most software works with optical distance (and these numbers are the same with an oil objective), but it’s something to keep in mind.